Breast Cancer's Impact on Sexual Health

Breast Cancer's Impact on Sexual Health

Every October is a time dedicated to increasing awareness about breast cancer, promoting early detection, and supporting those affected by the disease. While breast cancer is one of the most common cancers globally, there is significant progress being made in terms of awareness, treatment, and survivorship. At Personal Fav Co., we proudly support breast cancer patients and survivors who have seen a shift in their sexual health, and help them reclaim their pleasure. 

Breast cancer and its treatment can present several challenges related to sexual health, and one common obstacle is vaginal dryness, which may necessitate the use of lubricants. Here are some key points regarding breast cancer and sexual health.

Impact of Breast Cancer on Sexual Health:

  1. Hormonal Changes: Many breast cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy, hormonal therapies (e.g., Tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors), or radiation, can lead to decreased estrogen levels. This results in vaginal dryness, thinning of vaginal tissues, and decreased libido.
  2. Body Image and Self-Esteem: Mastectomies, lumpectomies, and other surgeries often affect a person's self-image and feelings about their sexuality. Fatigue from treatment and emotional stress can also impact sexual desire and activity.
  3. Pain and Discomfort: Vaginal dryness and thinning of the vaginal tissues may cause discomfort or pain during intercourse (dyspareunia), which can diminish sexual activity and overall sexual satisfaction.

How can we at Personal Fav support you in the above three areas?

  1. Vaginal dryness: we have had incredibly strong women come up and tell us that Whet has been the first product since their diagnosis or since they’ve been in remission, that has successfully helped them reconnect with their partner (and themselves) intimately- it truly feels like their own natural lubrication. 
  2. Thinning of Vaginal Tissues: the full spectrum CBD and real Bulgarian rose in our pleasure oil, Pique, is super soothing and calming. You do not need to experience pain and discomfort! 
  3. Body Image and Self-Esteem: We have resources! You are not alone. Here are some of our fav resources to boost you up during this time:
    1. Stage: a marketplace and  safe space where women with breast cancer can ask the questions, feel the feelings, and find the best products to support them on this challenging journey
    2. The Boobie Queen: Whitney O’Connor, breast cancer survivor and counselor, has created a non-profit and contagious community where she spoils breast cancer patients and survivors to make them feel like the queens that they are!
    3. AnaOno: Creating unique post-surgery bras that are designed to fit  and empower YOU.
Reach out to us at to share your fav resources and ways to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
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